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A Gecko in my bag

Un blog per descobrir viatges increïbles

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Manggarai Barat regency

Labuan Bajo és la capital de la regió de Manggarai Barat. On vam passar els últims dies del viatge fent submarinisme i una sortida amb barco

Manggarai Regency

Ruteng és la capital de la regència, allà vam anar a veure els arrossars en forma de telaranya i el poblat tradicional de Todo.

Boat trip Riung 17th Islands

Tam, the owner of the nirvana bungalows, helped us rent a boat to do a boat trip at the national marine park 17th islands. We payed...

Ngada regency

Arribem a Riung, el nord de Ngada on fem un viatge amb barco. Després marxarem al sud a Bajawa on visitarem poblats, hotsprings, volcans.

Knowing Flores people

Com és la gent de Flores? En el viatge vam poder veure una cerimonia i vam conèixer algunes persones que ens van explicar les seves costums.

Nagekeo regency

Arribem a Mbay al vespre per veure la posta de sol als arrossars i al port de Marapokot. L'endamà visitarem el el poblTat de Tututbhada.

Ende regency

El viatge continua per la regió de Ende. Passem la nit al petit poble de Moni i ens aixequem per anar a veure la sortida del sol a Kelimutu.

Sikka regency

La ruta comença a Maumere, a la regió de Sikka. Aquí descobrirem el poblat de pescadors Wuring, la esglèsia Sikka i dinarem a la Koka beach.

Sailing with dolphines

Sergi, from Monster divers, organised us a boat trip to see the dolphins. It costs 35 euros and includes a delicious monster breakfast....

Diving Pulau Weh third part

A bit far from Gapang, about 20min by boat in west direction, just in front of Iboih, there are two islands. The biggest and closer to...

Diving Pulau Weh second part

A bit far from Gapang, about 20min by boat in west direction, just in front of Iboih, there are two islands. The biggest and closer to...

Diving Pulau Weh

The island is located between the warm water of the Andaman Sea and the cold water from the Indian Ocean. Thanks to this, there are...

Aceh province of Sumatra

Aceh is the north province of Sumatra island. They have a different culture and language (Acehnese). Actually, there was a separatist...

Exploring Banda Aceh

Banda Aceh is the capital of this province, it was where the waves of the 2004 Tsunami hit fiercely and with no mercy. Over 200.000...

The wild Sumatra island

Sumatra, the sixth-largest island in the world, is one of the Greater Sunda Islands of the Malay Archipelago including the islands of...

Exploring Pulau Weh

Even though Pulau Weh is a small island, there are plenty of things to do. In this paradise you can climb to the small volcanos in the...

Pulau Weh, the paradisiac island

There is an amazing island called Pulau Weh in Aceh, in the northwest of Sumatra. Its wildness, mighty jungle and paradisiac beaches...

Discovering the world under the sea

There are incredible places hidden all over the world waiting to be discovered. The amazing Niagara waterfalls, the awesome pyramids of...

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