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Jungle trekking at Bukit Lawang

Actualizado: 10 nov 2020

The awaited adventure begins on the other side of the Bukit Lawang Bridge. To get through it we had to pay a small entrance fee that was included on the price. The three of us were really excited. The magnificent jungle was about to be discobered by us.

Deddy and Edi were our guides. One of them where always in front and the other at the back, that made us feel more protected. As we were getting deeper and deeper in the jungle the used to sing the most suited song "in the juntle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight".

The first meters was the most difficult ones, as we were climbing a small hill. We hadn't been walking for so long, just at the top of the first hill when we saw the first orangutan. We got to met a hungry mama orangutan and their funny son.

With a sad feeling we said goodbay to this interesting couple and got back to our journey. After a while later we stoped to have our deserved lunch, that included fried rice with chicken and different delicious fruits. Our guides made us a great flower crowns as we could camiflage if something happened.

As we where resting for a while some Thomas monkey approached to us and looked for our food leftovers from the distance. One of them was a cute white bold baby!

In the jungle the sun tends to set around 5pm se we had to do the rest of the journey in order to get to the camp before the sunset. It was incredibly peacefull for a while to walk getting deeper and deeper. Suddenly we heared a roar and everybody stoped and looked around, Amaranta saw some animal in the distance "it's there!" and all at once it roared again. Our guides started sayin "run run"!! We runned for our lives for a few minutes and then we stopped exhausted. No animals or sounds. We were safe.

Finally we got to the camp. It was close to the river so we took the chance to take a bath. The weather was very hot so it felt incredibly. Our guides and the cook set up a fire and made our dinner. It was delitious, rice with different vegtables and tempe.

At night, close to the fire we finally decided to ask our guides what was the animal we heard roaring. They thought it was a tiger, however, it was only Amaranta who actually saw him and it was so fast that she can't even remember. We will never know.

The next morning we woke up early with the sounds of nature. As we were having breakfast a heard of macaque monkeys came to the river from the top of the jungle. At the beginning the alfa, followed by the males and at the end of the queue the females and their childrens. We watched the other side of the river getting full of macaques that arrived from the forest and went upwards the river. It was amazing. Finally we took the same path as the monkeys and started over our journey.

The path took us up the river, it was nice to put the feet into the water from time to time. I read at some blog that some adventurers found leeches but I assure you the water was clean and nothing bit us. The feeling was really different from the day before, more calm and relaxed. We managed to see some birds, butterflies and rare insects.

The last part of the journey was the most difficult one, we had to go down to the next camp and the path was very steep and full of roots. Our guides had to help us a little bit. However, just at the bottom of it, two more orangutans were waitting for us, as if they were there to welcome us to the second camp.

This camp was bigger, I guess it is becouse most people just stay one night at the jungle. It is more beautiful and you can tell clearly that it is well preserved. It is located close to the big river that goes down to the village of bukkit Lawang.

The next morning we had a small trip crossing the river to the watterfall. Our guides take us there with some boats made from tractor wheels. They are very experienced in doing this becouse the current is quite strong at this point of the river. The waterfall is really nice, you can get to the center and the water will massage. Our guides made us a makeup with some rocks there had pigment from different colours! we were a wild cat and a tiger!

Back to the camp, after the lunch, we rested a little bit and made some towers with rocks, while waitting our turn to get into the wheel boat that will take us to the village doing rafting through the river. This was a really funny way to end our three days and two nights adventure.

To know more about the village of Bukit Lawang, click at the link: Bukit Lawang, an enchantment village.

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