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Diving Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida is one of the small islands that belong to Bali. It is a small rural island recently opened to turisme and it has already been very popular thanks to their cliffs and beaches. The nature coexists with harmony with people so their reefs are quite weakthy. Nowadays, specially the north-weast coast, it has been a bit corrupted by the turists and there are a lot of hotels and dive-centers.

Sanctum Dive

We chose the Sanctum Dive as it had been recomended by a guy we met at another dive-center. It is a quite big place with floors, the first floor with the equipment and the second flor for resting and getting ready. It is full decorated with very nice drawings and mas of the island. Indeed, the owners and the workers were very nice and funny.

After a brief explanation on what we would do, we got ready for our amazing experience and took the boat to get there. Our first dive would be to see the awesome mantas and the second one at Cristal Bay. If we were lucky we would manage to see the Mola Mola!

The boat journey was quit long and with big waves. I got really sick and I had to jump to the water as soon as I got there. I recomend you to bring dizziness pills. Some of us even had to throw up!

Manta Point

The Manta Point is located at the East of the island. We had already been there the day before to see the views from the top of the cliffs. Some people say that at a specific time of the day, when the light of the sun allows it, you can see the mantas from there.

However, this time we arribed by boat, already prepared to jump to the watter, hoping to see this magestic animals. Apparently they come here, where the current is strong to feed and clean themselves early in the morning and at the afternoon.

As expected, our group was not the only one to come here and it was already full of people. At the begining it was quite boring as you could do nothing else but wait and there were nothing much to see either. Finally two mantas, a big male and a smaller female apeared in front of us. It was really amazing.

Cristal Bay

After a bit we arrived to Cristal Bay by boat. It was really nice views however, it was full of tourists with private boats. After a short break and refreshment we got again into the water to see a prettier sea bottom than at Manta Point. The reef was nicer with corals.

As we were told, we stopped at the beginin of the cliff waitting for the cold current that would bring the Mola Mola. We even noticed it! However the Mola Mola didn't come. Enyway, the dive was quite nice and we took a look around.

Back at Sanctum dive we chill out a litlle bit and had lunch over there. They have a small restaurant with different kinds of nice food. With a full belly we continued our journey around the island.

If you want to continue reading about the trip click to The unexpected Nusa Penida. To know a little bit more about Bali click at Bali the magic island.

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