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Diving Pulau Weh third part

Actualizado: 20 oct 2019

A bit far from Gapang, about 20min by boat in west direction, just in front of Iboih, there are two islands. The biggest and closer to the coastline is called Pulau Rubiah, and the further and smaller is called Pulau Seulako.

West Seulako

The west wall of Seulako island is very beautiful, full of coral and many fishes. The current can be very strong at both sides of the island and sometimes we might end the dive shifting through the blue.

At the pictures and the video we can see: singular bannerfish, blue triggerfish, threespot dascyllus, redfin anthies, white collar butterflyfish, reticulated dascyllus, longnose butterflyfish, morish idol, powderblue surgeonfish, golden damsel, western barhead damsel, regal angelfish, black pyramid butterflyfish.

Seulako cave

At the south of west Seulako, closer than Arus Balé, there is a small cave full of thousands of colourful fishes. The dive starts at West Seulako and finishes after the cave.

At the pictures we can see: bluefin trebally, porcupinefish, indo-pacific sergeant, redfin anthies, morish idol, powderblue surgeonfish, bignose unicornfish, indian lionfish, redtooth triggerfish, black pyramid butterflyfish, blackspotted puffer, oriental sweetlips, ribbon eal, giant moray, indian triggerfish, reticulated dascyllus.


At the north of west Seulako there are big rocks that are covered by the ocean. At this place, there are a lot of coral, especially if you go deeper. This dive is one of my favourites.

Shallow Tokong

At the pictures and the video we can see: black pyramid butterflyfish, redfin anthies, porcupinefish, powderblue surgeonfish, bigeye scad, blue triggerfish, white collar butterflyfish.

Deep Tokong

At the pictures and the video we can see: baby moray, redfin anthies, black damsel, redtooth triggerfish, longface emperor, blubberlip snapper, yellow damsel, scrawled filefish, bluefin trevally, emperor angelfish, white colar butterflyfish, black jack fish, bignose unicornfish.

The hunt at Tokong

At the video and the pictures we can see: the atack of a titan triggerfish, a giant trevally and a giant moray trying to hunt an octopus.

To know more about the island click at Pulau Weh, the paradisiac island.

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