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Boat trip Riung 17th Islands

Tam, the owner of the nirvana bungalows, helped us rent a boat to do a boat trip at the national marine park 17th islands. We payed 1.650.000 rp for the boat the hole day, wich included a fanastic fish barbacue at one of the islands. At home we had done an internet research abut the prices of the trip and we found some people who did it for 1.000.000 rp. However you need more days to search among the fishermen.

We woke up early in the morning to start our relaxing day on the boat. Our first stop was the flying-foxes island or pulau ontoloe. Unlike our country, where the bats use to live in caves, in Flores, as in many other countries, the bats sleep head down at the top of the mangrove trees and they are called flying foxes. The boat stoped very close to the island so we could see them sleeping and flying very clearly.

As the trip kept going, we stoped to do some snorkeling at a selected spot close to pulau Rutong, where we could see the magnificent reefs that are hidden into this natural park.

Finally, we got to one of the biggest islands, Pulau Tiga, where we parked our boat. The island is very beautifull, full of thin white sand. We took a small walk around the island and then lie down over the sand while the crew were prepairing our lunch.

The guys light a small fire and cooked the rice, some vegtables, eggs and fish. I have to say it "It was the best fish barbecue we had ever eat". Then we took a short nap at the shade of the trees and we left the island. On our way back to Riung, we stopped to another great spot to do more snorkeling and finally we reached the coast.

After the boat trip, we went to Mbay at Nagekeo regency to spend the night. The next day, not without having done the sightseeing of the area, we went back to Ngada regency in order to spend the night at Bajawa.

If you want to continue reading about the trip click to Nagekeo regency or Ngada regency. To know a little bit more about Flores and the accomodations we stayed at click at Flores the exotic island.

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